My degree piece is a design of an exhibition dedicated to a subjective review of the most outstanding constructivists. I founded my design on the philosophy of this movement. Constructivism called for progress, technological development and industrialization which would include also art. Following this line of reasoning, I decided to present some pieces accompanied by movement and sound. This would augment experiences of the audience. The diagram of the design was supposed to look like a constructivist piece and was inspired by paintings by a Russian artist, Alexander Rodchenko.
(born 1990)
Studies: first-cycle at the Faculty of New Media Arts of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, second-cycle at the Faculty of Interior Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Works in interior and exhibition design. Founder of WZ STUDIO. Participant of group exhibitions, including Designeria Trendy Show, 2012; Arena Design, 2012; Wawa Design Festival, 2012 and 2013; Gdynia Design Days, 2014. Awarded in “ELLE Decoration” competition Young Talent Design, 2014. Nominated in Polish XXL Architecture in the category best 2015 public-use interior for implementation of an interior design for Suft Messa restaurant in Chałupy (co-author Ada Skwira).